The Mt. Whitney web cam this morning, Nov 19th, taken from my laptop in my bedroom.
Hello everyone,
I've returned, for the moment, from my Mt. Whitney attempt the other day and am happy to be back. The attempt was indeed another failed one, but as always I'm still determined to succeed, and I will. Even more importantly, I somehow salvaged the week by then initiating my very first successful live ambient music broadcasts from the deserts near Whitney in the days that followed the summit attempt. Not sure how many of you are aware of this but, that was a MAJOR victory in-and-of itself. Basically, no one else has ever done it. So I'm now going to update you on what went down during that little 1-week excursion by pasting all of my facebook posts here that were posted to all of my friends and fans during the trip. They explain what happened even better than if I tried to recall everything right here, after the fact.
The posts are below and will go in chronological order, from top to bottom, each one dated at it's header. If you haven't read them yet, try to read them to the bottom because the last post has my next goal for this project. I won't post anymore blog entries until after that.
(The following paragraph was applicable before January of 2015) Also, to see and here all of the successful broadcasts I made from out there over the last week, just visit the same Whitney event page that I started with, here They are all there, listed as players from the most recent broadcast down to the first one. Just click play on any of them, but remember it was only the last 3 sessions (the first 3 listed at the top of the page) that involved successfully performed ambient music on location. And most of the music is towards the end of each broadcast.
And to hear a slightly-edited copy of the music I performed and recorded during my first successful broadcast, out in the Alabama Hills of Mt. Whitney, check out this Soundcloud link. You can even visit the page and download the track/piece for free, until I decide what else to do with it. Click the download icon. High quality mp3.
Lastly, I'd like to ask you again to please continue showing faith, enthusiasm and encouragement towards this project, and even interest if you can, regardless of the multitude of failed summit attempts I've had in the Cascade and Sierra mountain ranges. This project really isn't easy to do, and it's about more than just those mountains. It's even about more than an individual's determination. It involves music creation in places where people have never imagined creating it, let alone actually doing it. That is the meaning of this project, not just famous mountains. The plan was always to do this in lots of cool locations, some of which have absolutely nothing to do with mountains. This project was always intended to be greater than something based in any one type of location. It's something that melds art, philosophy and adventure as well as other inherent qualities that naturally cross.
If you are looking to simply follow climbers who conquer/climb/surmount famous mountains, there are people and blogs that would be far more suitable. Here are a couple of links to them. If they interest you more than what I'm doing, then I encourage you to stop wasting your time with me and hit them up: and and and
But I would definitely love it if you decide that what I'm doing here, not just on mountains but all over the country, is intriguing enough to stick with and follow. In some form, somehow, it's breaking new ground, and I would love it if you joined me.
Okay, so my Facebook posts over the last week's adventures are below, chronologically from top to bottom. The top one is the first post of the trip, and the bottom one is what I entered on returning the day before yesterday.